Morgan Burns - Internal Service Advisor - Impact Center, Grand Forks, N.D.
Published on July 01, 2024
Welcome Morgan Burns to the True North Equipment team! Morgan is the Internal Service Advisor at the Impact Center based in Grand Forks. Before joining the team, Morgan taught Agricultural Education. Morgan lives in Fisher, MN and is the oldest of 4 kids.
A Quick Q&A with Morgan:
What excites you about your new job at True North? “New people to work with, new adventures, and there is something new to do everyday.”
Favorite snack: Pretzels
Favorite food: Anything pasta, or tacos from Red Pepper
Favorite thing(s) to do: Hunting, fishing, watching my brothers play football, and watching my sister shoot trap and skeet.
What kind of music do you play in your car? Country
What’s something on your bucket list? Go to Alaska deep sea fishing or go to Mexico and snorkel with turtles
What's your favorite most memorable adventure? Shooting a record black bear in MN with my dad and then going to Missouri for a hunting conference where I got to meet Clay Newcomb.
If you could have lunch with ANYONE (dead or alive, famous or personal) who would it be? Grandpa Rodney- he was the biggest supporter of them all