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Harold (Gene) Ellingson - Quality Control Technician - Impact Center, Grand Forks, N.D.

Published on July 01, 2024

Welcome Gene Ellingson to True North Equipment! Gene is the Quality Control Technician at the Impact Center in Grand Forks. Before joining the team, he worked on a seed farm. Gene is originally from Oregon but now lives in Grand Forks. 

A Quick Q&A with Gene:

What excites you about your new job at True North? “Being challenged”

Favorite snack: Snickers

Favorite food: Mexican Food

Favorite thing(s) to do: Vacation with my family

What kind of music do you play in your car? Classic Rock

What’s something on your bucket list? Take a cross country trip on my Harley

If you could have lunch with ANYONE (dead or alive, famous or personal) who would it be? Gene Simmons



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